Biological Sciences
Undergraduate Teaching Assistants (UTAs) are hired for some lower-level and upper-level biological sciences (BSCI) classes. Each UTA works under the supervision of the lab/discussion coordinator or class instructor. UTA work varies depending on the course assignments. Duties include teaching lab or discussion sections, facilitating in-class learning activities, holding review sessions, and grading exams, papers, worksheets, and problem sets. UTAs are expected to be mature, responsible, and attentive to requirements. UTA work requires an average of 10 hours per week, depending on the course. New UTAs will also be required to attend a weekly 1-credit teaching seminar. The stipend is determined by the current minimum wage policy at UMD and is paid as an hourly wage for 150 hours per semester. Application information is available on Canvas. If you have questions, contact Danielle Adams at
Chemistry and Biochemistry
The Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry has a long history of using highly qualified undergraduate students as Teaching Assistants (UTA) in lower-level chemistry laboratories (CHEM 132, 132, 242 or 272). These are normally paid positions. A UTA's standard responsibilities average about 7-8 hours/week and include leading one laboratory section, one scheduled office hour/week, along with laboratory grading and preparation. UTAs will also be assigned to proctor and grade examinations for a lecture section of general or organic chemistry. Information, deadlines and an online application are available on the department website.
Computer Science
The Department of Computer Science hires Undergraduate on a semesterly basis. Priority is given to students who are Computer Science majors. Undergraduate TAs are typically assigned at 10 hours/week and are compensated. Students are allowed to serve as a TA in two courses, but requests must be approved by both instructors, the student's academic advisor, and senior CS department leadership. More information about the CS UTA program
A Strauss Teaching Assistant is an advanced undergraduate mathematics student who leads one discussion section of MATH140 (Calculus I) in the fall and one discussion section of MATH141 (Calculus II) in the spring. This is a one-year commitment, with pay. Duties include teaching, grading, and holding office hours each week. Whether your plans include graduate school or immediate employment upon graduation, the Strauss Teaching Assistantship is a unique opportunity for you to cultivate the communication skills that will enable you to reach your goals. Criteria for a Strauss Teaching Assistant include:
- Math major (or double major)
- Completed Math 410 with a grade of B or higher
- Overall GPA of 3.5 or higher
Math majors who are interested in applying as a Strauss TA should stay tuned to the [MATH-UGRAD] listserv. The application period typically begins in early spring and will be announced via the listserv.
The Department of Mathematics also offers a limited number of Student Initiated Courses (STICs) every semester.Physics
The Physics department hires UTAs in several 100- and 200- level courses. More information about Physics UTA opportunities
Terrapin Teachers
Additional Resources
Guided Study Session (GSS) Leader
TLTC’s Academic Peer Mentoring Program (AMP)
Orientation: UNIV Teaching Assistant
Maryland Mentor Corps
Teach for America