Student Organizations

The University of Maryland, College Park has over 650 student organizations on campus, ranging from athletic clubs, cultural organizations, social fraternities/sororities, academic honorary societies, and career-focused organizations. Below are a few focused on building community among individuals underrepresented in the sciences that might interest you. For a full list of campus student organizations, visit TerpLink

AWC - Association for Women in Computing

Charles R Drew Pre-Health Society


GRAD-MAP - Graduate Resources Advancing Diversity with Maryland Astronomy and Physics

NOBCChE - National Organization for the Professional Advancement of Black Chemists and Chemical Engineers

oSTEM - Out in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics

PUGS - Physicists of Underrepresented Genders (formerly Women in Physics)

SACNAS - Society for the Advancement of Chicanos/Latinos and Native Americans in Science

WiCyS - Women in Cybersecurity

WIM - Women in Mathematics