The College of Computer, Mathematical, and Natural Sciences at the University of Maryland boasts more than three dozen endowed faculty chairs and professorships. Receiving an endowed chair or professorship is one of the highest honors bestowed on faculty members and provide them with a stable source of revenue for their research program. We are grateful for the loyal support of the donors who created these endowed faculty positions that promote excellence in teaching and research.
Creating an endowed chair or professorship is one of the most significant investments you can make to our college. They confer prestige to the holder and the institution, and they provide the college with an extremely valuable tool in recruiting and retaining the best faculty. If you are interested in creating an endowed chair or professorship that fits your personal passion and intention, please contact Megan Carnell at or 301-405-0205.
Millard Alexander Professorship in Chemistry
Holder: John T. Fourkas, Professor of Chemistry and Biochemistry and the Institute for Physical Science and Technology
Millard Alexander, a Distinguished University Professor Emeritus in the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry and the Institute for Physical Science and Technology, established this fund in August 2003 to support a professor of chemistry.
Millard and Lee Alexander Professorship in Chemical Physics
Holder: Pratyush Tiwary, Professor of Chemistry and Biochemistry and the Institute for Physical Science and Technology
This fund was established by Millard Alexander, a Distinguished University Emeritus Professor in the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry and the Institute for Physical Science and Technology, and his wife Lee to support a professor in the area of chemical physics.
Andrew and Mary Balo & Nicholas and Susan Simon Endowed E-Nnovate Chair
Holder: Sean B. Carroll, Professor of Biology
Andrew (B.S. ’70, microbiology) and Mary Balo joined forces with Nicholas (B.S. ’76, microbiology) and Susan Simon in 2016 to create the university's first endowed chair in the life sciences, emphasizing research on human health and/or disease. Their donations were matched by funding from the state’s Maryland E-Nnovation Initiative (MEI).
Brin Endowed Professors in Mathematics
Holders: Uri Bader and Ronald Peled, Professors of Mathematics
UMD Mathematics Professor Emeritus Michael Brin and his wife Eugenia established this endowment in 2024. The Maryland Department of Commerce fully matched the donation through the Maryland E-Nnovation Initiative (MEI), a state program created to spur basic and applied research in scientific and technical fields at colleges and universities.
Brin Family Endowed Professorships in Theoretical Computer Science
Holder: Daniel Gottesman, Professor of Computer Science
Samuel Brin (B.S. '09, computer science) spearheaded the effort to establish this fund on behalf of the Brin family, which also includes his brother and Google co-founder, Sergey Brin (B.S. '93, mathematics and computer science); his father, UMD Professor Emeritus of Mathematics Michael Brin; and his mother, Eugenia Brin, a retired NASA scientist who worked on issues related to climate and weather forecasting. The family's donation was matched by funding from the state’s Maryland E-Nnovation Initiative (MEI). The two professorships will be held by computer science faculty members who work in the area of theoretical computer science.
Eugenia Brin Professorship
Eugenia Brin, who retired after a successful career as a climate and weather forecasting scientist at NASA, established this fund in June 2007 to support data assimilation research aimed at improving weather prediction and climate studies. The fund supports graduate students, known as Lev Gandin fellows, who research data assimilation.
Michael Brin Endowed Chair in Mathematics
Holder: Artem Chernikov, Professor of Mathematics
Michael Brin, a professor emeritus of mathematics who joined the UMD faculty in 1980 and retired in 2011, established this fund in April 2005. The holder shall be chosen strictly on the basis of demonstrated exceptional mathematical ability, achievement, potential, and leadership in mathematical research and education, in a vital field at the heart of mathematics.
Michael and Eugenia Brin Endowed Chair in Mathematics
Holder: Bassam Fayad, Professor of Mathematics
Michael and Eugenia Brin established this fund in April 2015 to support a chair in the Department of Mathematics. The holder shall be chosen strictly on the basis of demonstrated exceptional mathematical ability, achievement, potential, and leadership in mathematical research and education, in a vital field at the heart of mathematics. Michael is a professor emeritus of mathematics who joined the UMD faculty in 1980 and retired in 2011; his wife Eugenia is retired following a successful career as a climate and weather forecasting scientist at NASA.
Michael and Eugenia Brin Endowed E-Nnovate Chair in Mathematics
Holder: Abba Gumel, Professor of Mathematics with a joint appointment in Biology and the Institute for Physical Science and Technology
Michael and Eugenia Brin established this fund in April 2015 to support a chair in the Department of Mathematics. Their donation was matched by funding from the state’s Maryland E-Nnovation Initiative (MEI). Michael is a professor emeritus of mathematics who joined the UMD faculty in 1980 and retired in 2011; his wife Eugenia is retired following a successful career as a climate and weather forecasting scientist at NASA.
Anthony Campobassi Professorship in Theoretical Physics
This fund will be created by a bequest from an anonymous donor to support a professorship in theoretical physics.
Brendan Iribe Endowed Professorship in Computer Science
Holder: Heng Huang, Professor of Computer Science
This professorship was established in 2021 with a gift from Brendan Iribe that was later matched by the state’s Maryland E-Nnovation Initiative Fund. This professorship is for a faculty member working in the fields of robotics and autonomy or artificial intelligence and machine learning.
Capital One Endowed Chair in Machine Learning and Computer Science
Capital One believes that machine learning, data analytics and cybersecurity represent some of the most critical areas for 21st-century technology investment. This fund supports the future direction of research, teaching and learning in these fields. The donation was matched by funding from the state’s Maryland E-Nnovation Initiative (MEI).
Capital One Endowed Professors in Machine Learning and Computer Science
Holder: Jia-Bin Huang, Associate Professor of Computer Science
Capital One believes that machine learning, data analytics and cybersecurity represent some of the most critical areas for 21st-century technology investment. This fund supports the future direction of research, teaching and learning in these fields. The donation was matched by funding from the state’s Maryland E-Nnovation Initiative (MEI).
Capital One Professorship in the Department of Computer Science
Holder: Ming Lin, Distinguished University Professor of Computer Science and the University of Maryland Institute for Advanced Computer Studies
This professorship supports a faculty member in the Department of Computer Science working in the field of machine learning, data analytics, and/or cybersecurity.
Chesapeake Professor of Physics Endowed Chair
Holders: Victor Galitski, Professor of Physics; Alicia Kollár, Assistant Professor of Physics
This professorship supports a tenure-track faculty member in the Department of Physics and was established in 2018 with an anonymous gift.
Clark Leadership Chair in Data Analytics
Holder: Joshua Weitz, Professor of Biology
This Chair was established with a generous gift from the A. James and Alice B. Clark Foundation that was matched by the state’s Maryland E-Nnovation Initiative Fund. The chair supports a faculty member working in the field of data analytics.
Clark Leadership Chair in Neuroscience
This Chair was established with a generous gift form the A. James and Alice B. Clark Foundation that was matched by the state’s Maryland E-Nnovation Initiative Fund. The chair supports a faculty member working in the field of neuroscience as part of the Brain and Behavior Institute at the University of Maryland.
Darnell/Kanal Professorship in Computer Science
Holder: Daniel Abadi, Professor of Computer Science
Christopher Darnell established this fund in July 2006 to honor Computer Science Professor Laveen N. Kanal and support research in the Department of Computer Science.
Ruth M. Davis Professorship in Mathematics
Holder: Jonathan Rosenberg, Professor of Mathematics
Ruth M. Davis (M.A. ’52, Ph.D. ’55, mathematics) established this fund in July 2003 to support a professorship in the Department of Mathematics.
Nathan Drake Endowed Chair
This fund will be established by a bequest from an anonymous donor. This chair was created in grateful recognition of Nathan Drake for his efforts to make a good department even better. Drake joined the Department of Chemistry in 1926 and served as department chair from 1940 until his death in 1959. He was a tremendous mentor, researcher and educator. This fund will support the recruitment and retention of an outstanding organic chemistry faculty member in the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry.
James B. Gahan and Margaret H. Gahan Professorship in Entomology
Holder: Evan Economo, Professor of Entomology
The James B. Gahan and Margaret H. Gahan Professorship in Entomology was established in 2000 by Margaret H. Gahan to support research and teaching in the Department of Entomology. University of Maryland alum James Gahan (B.S. ’30, M.S. ’32) was a pioneer in insecticide development, earning a War Department commendation for his efforts in reducing malaria and other mosquito-borne diseases among U.S. troops during World War II and beyond. This professorship honors his legacy and contributions to the field.
George and Christine Gloeckler Endowed Chair in Physics
This fund will be established by a bequest from Distinguished University Professor Emeritus George Gloeckler and his wife Christine to support a professorship in physics, preferably in space physics, astrophysics or cosmology.
Reginald Allan Hahne Endowed E-Nnovate Professorship
Elizabeth Iribe established this fund to support research in virtual reality. The professorship honors Reginald "Reg" Allan Hahne, the 32-year veteran of Howard County Public Schools who was her son Brendan Iribe’s computer science teacher in high school. This donation was matched by funding from the state’s Maryland E-Nnovation Initiative (MEI).
Dr. William J. Higgins Endowed Professorship
Holder: Vadim Karatayev, Assistant Professor of Biology
The Dr. William J. Higgins Endowed Professorship Fund was created in 2007 by Julius Hyatt, D.D.S. (B.S. ’80, zoology) and supported by dozens of alumni. This fund supports an outstanding Department of Biology faculty member who excels as a scientist and teacher. As the Department of Biology’s first endowed professorship, it honors William J. Higgins, the educator who has inspired generations of students to become successful researchers, dentists, physicians and other health care professionals. During his nearly 40 years as a faculty member in the Department of Biology (formerly Department of Zoology), Higgins has guided countless students into the next phase of their careers through his teaching, advising, and mentoring.
Phillip H. and Catherine C. Horvitz Professorship in Computer Science
Holder: Matthias Zwicker, Professor of Computer Science and the University of Maryland Institute for Advanced Computer Studies
Phillip Horvitz (B.S. ’75, computer science) established this fund in December 2003.
IonQ Endowed Professorship in the College of Computer, Mathematical and Natural Sciences
Holder: Norbert Linke, Professor of Physics and QLab Director (effective 9/1/25)
This professorship was established in 2021 with a gift from IonQ that was later matched by the state’s Maryland E-Nnovation Initiative Fund. This professorship is for a faculty member in either the Department of Computer Science or the Department of Physics working in quantum.
Elizabeth Iribe Chair for Innovation in the Department of Computer Science
Holder: Matthias Zwicker, Professor in the Department of Computer Science and the University of Maryland Institute for Advanced Computer Studies
Elizabeth Iribe established this fund in October 2014 to provide support for the department chair of computer science. Her donation was matched by funding from the state’s Maryland E-Nnovation Initiative (MEI).
Paul Chrisman Iribe Endowed E-Nnovate Professorship in Computer Science
Holder: Dinesh Manocha, Professor of Computer Science, the University of Maryland Institute for Advanced Computer Studies, and the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Elizabeth Iribe established this professorship in honor of her brother, Paul Chrisman Iribe. The fund was established in April 2016 to provide support for a professor of computer science. Her donation was matched by funding from the state’s Maryland E-Nnovation Initiative (MEI).
Yu Yuen Kit and Yuen Sang So Endowed Professorship
Holder: Edward Ott, Distinguished University Professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Department of Physics, and the Institute for Research in Electronics and Applied Physics
Paul T.M. So (Ph.D. ’95, physics) and his family established this fund in March 2011 to support a professorship in non-linear dynamics.
Monroe H. Martin Professorship
Holder: Garegin Papoian, Professor in the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry and the Institute for Physical Science and Technology
Professor Emeritus Monroe H. Martin established the fund through his estate in September 2004 to support a professorship in the Institute for Physical Science and Technology. Martin played a seminal role in the development of mathematics and physical sciences at UMD.
Dr. Barry L. Mersky Professorship in Computer Science
Holder: Ming Lin, Distinguished University Professor of Computer Science and the University of Maryland Institute for Advanced Computer Studies
Elizabeth Iribe established this fund to support a faculty member in the Department of Computer Science. The gift was matched by funding from the Maryland E-Nnovation Initiative Fund.
Jack and Rita G. Minker Professorship in Computer Science
Holder: Mohammad Hajiaghayi, Professor in the Department of Computer Science and the University of Maryland Institute for Advanced Computer Studies
Computer Science Professor Emeritus Jack Minker established this fund in 1992 to support a professor of computer science. This professorship honors the pioneering contributions of Jack’s wife Rita Minker in the early development of computer science and Jack for his research in artificial intelligence and his work in support of human rights for scientists.
Richard E. Prange Endowed Chair in Physics
Holder: Sankar Das Sarma, Distinguished University Professor of Physics
Madeleine M. Joullie established this fund in March 2010 to support a chair in physics. This fund honors her late husband, UMD Physics Professor Richard E. Prange.
E.F. Redish Endowed Professorship in Science Education
This fund was established in September 2011 by Department of Physics Professor Edward F. Redish and his wife, Janice, to support a faculty member whose research program focuses significantly on science education, with a special emphasis on the understanding of teaching and learning in science, mathematics or engineering.
Bice Sechi-Zorn Professorship in Experimental Physics
This fund was established in February 2002 as the Gus T. Zorn and Bice Sechi-Zorn Professorship in Experimental Physics, through the estate of Department of Physics Professor Emeritus Gus T. Zorn. Zorn’s wife, the late Bice Sechi-Zorn, was also a UMD Professor of Physics. In April 2005, the fund was split into two professorships at the request of the Department of Physics.
Craig and Sharon Stanfill Endowed University Chair in Computer Science
This fund will be established by a bequest from alumni Craig Stanfill, Ph.D. ‘83 and Sharon Stanfill ‘81 to support a faculty member in the Department of Computer Science with a focus on Enterprise Computing.
John S. Toll Professorship
Holder: Raman Sundrum, Distinguished University Professor of Physics
Faculty, staff and administrators established this fund in 1990 to support a distinguished professor in the Department of Physics and Astronomy. This fund honors John S. Toll’s years of service in the department and as president of UMD. He was a physicist, scholar and educator whose many achievements included the development of physics at UMD from a small department to one of the largest and finest in the nation.
Volpi-Cupal Family Endowed Professorships
Holders: Hal Duame, Professor of Computer Science, and Tom Goldstein, Associate Professor of Computer Science
These professorships were established with a generous gift from the Volpi-Cupal family that was matched by the state’s Maryland E-Nnovation Initiative Fund. The professorships support junior faculty in the Department of Computer Science.
Gus T. Zorn Professorship in Experimental Physics
Holder: Abolhassan Jawahery, Distinguished University Professor of Physics
This fund was established in February 2002 as the Gus T. Zorn and Bice Sechi-Zorn Professorship in Experimental Physics, through the estate of Department of Physics Professor Emeritus Gus T. Zorn. Zorn’s wife, the late Bice Sechi-Zorn, was also a UMD Professor of Physics. In April 2005, the fund was split into two professorships at the request of the Department of Physics.