Undergraduate and Graduate Student Organizations

Student organizations provide students with opportunities to connect with classmates who share similar interests, prepare for careers, impact the community, and gain other valuable experiences. 

The University of Maryland has over 650 student organizations on campus, ranging from athletic clubs, cultural organizations, social fraternities/sororities, academic honorary societies, and career-focused organizations.

See below a list of CMNS undergraduate and graduate student organizations by discipline.


Out in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (oSTEM)
Pre-health societies (pre-medical, pre-dental, allied health)
Society for the Advancement of Chicanos/Latinos and Native Americans in Science (SACNAS)


Astronomy Community Engagement (ACE)
Graduate Resources Advancing Diversity with Maryland Astronomy and Physics (GRAD-MAP)
Terrapin Astronomical Society (AstroTerps)

Atmospheric and Oceanic Science

American Meteorological Society at UMD

Biological Sciences

Beta Psi Omega
Pre-health societies (pre-medical, pre-dental, etc.)
Nu Rho Psi (National Honors Society in Neuroscience)
Biological Sciences Graduate Program Student Association (BISI GSA)
Black Scholars in Biology

Chemistry and Biochemistry

Alpha Chi Sigma
American Chemical Society: UMD Student Affiliates Chapter
American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (ASBMB) UMD Student Affiliates Chapter
Graduate Student Organization
National Organization for the Professional Advancement of Black Chemists and Chemical Engineers (NOBCChE)-UMD Chapter

Computer Science

Numerous organizations


Bug Club
Entomology Student Organization


UMD Geology Club


Actuarial Club
Math Club
Women In Math


Grey Matters Journal UMD


Graduate Resources Advancing Diversity with Maryland Astronomy and Physics (GRAD-MAP)
Graduate Student Committee
Mental Health Task Force
Physicists of Underrepresented Genders (formerly Women in Physics)
Physics Undergraduate Committee
Society of Physics Students
Undergraduate Quantum Association

Additional Campus Student Organizations

Other student organizations related to CMNS majors (and a variety of other areas) can be found at TerpLink.