Exceptions to Policy

Completed petitions are no longer being accepted via email. Please complete your petition by accessing the appropriate link below for your specific request. 

Exceptions to College and University policies are approved only under rare and extraordinary circumstances. To request an exception to policy you must submit a Petition for Exception to Policy Form. *NOTE: All supporting documentation must be included in order to submit the petition, which is processed by the Office of Student Services. You will be notified via email when your request has been completed, no later than ten business days after your submission. After ten business days, please contact our office at cmnsque@umd.edu to check on the status of your petition if you have not received a decision.

Please read the descriptions of exceptions carefully. Submitting the wrong form will result in a significant delay of a decision.

Online forms

For the following exceptions you only need to submit the forms below:

  • Repeat Policy
    • This exception is for repeat violations. The University allows students two repeats of a single course. This request is for a repeat over this limit (third attempt).
    • The University allows students a total of 18 repeat credits. This request is for repeating over 18 credits. 
    • If both of these apply, please indicate both.
  • Late Add/Drop/Drop Over 4 credits
    • Late add is a request to add a course or change the credits for a course after schedule adjustment.
    • Late drop without a “W” is requesting to drop a course after the last day of schedule adjustment (first ten days of the semester). This request is rare and is considered if a student did not attend the course.
    • Late drop with a “W” is requesting to drop a course with a “W” after the last day to drop a course with a “W” (withdrawal).
    • Late drop over 4 credits - The University allows a student to drop up to 4 credits per semester. This request is to drop over this limit.
    • If you wish to withdraw from the semester completely, that is handled by the Office of the Registrar
  • Change Grading Method
  • Coursework in Final 30 Credits
    • This exception is for things that are atypical for students to do in their final 30 credits. For example: study abroad or CLEP exams. 
    • Students wishing to take courses at another institution should complete the permission to enroll form
  • Time Conflict
  • Request a High Credit Load
    • NOTE: Please submit this request prior to submitting a late add request if applicable.