Board of Visitors

Millard Alexander

Millard Alexander

Distinguished University Professor Emeritus of Chemistry and Biochemistry, University of Maryland


Dave Baggett

Dave Baggett

B.S. ’92, Computer Science and Linguistics

CEO and Founder, INKY


Member, Computer Science Advisory Board, University of Maryland



Robert Brammer

Robert Brammer

M.A. ’70, Ph.D. ’72, Mathematics

President and CEO, Brammer Technologies


Adjunct Professor, Department of Atmospheric and Oceanic Science and the Department of Finance, University of Maryland


Climate Finance and Risk Management Program, UMD 



Rita Colwell

Rita Colwell

Distinguished University Professor Emerita, University of Maryland


Former Director, National Science Foundation


Paul Corcoran

Paul Corcoran

B.A. '68, Sociology; D.D.S. '75



Thomas Costello

Thomas Costello

M.A. '69, Ph.D. '71, Mathematics

Tom Costello

Professor Emeritus, Kennedy College of Sciences, UMass Lowell

Ali Hirsa

Ali Hirsa

M.S. '93, Civil Engineering; M.A. '97, Ph.D. '98, Applied Mathematics

Managing Partner, Sauma Capital


Adjunct Professor, Columbia University (Director of the Center for AI in Business Analysis and Financial Technology; Director of the Center for Financial Engineering)


Former Trustee, University of Maryland College Park Foundation 


Ann Hobbs

Ann Hobbs

B.S. ’68, Zoology

Retired Partner, Venable, LLP

Phil Horvitz

Phil Horvitz

B.S. ’75, Computer Science




Raj Khera

Raj Khera

B.S. ’86, M.S. ’88, Electrical Engineering

Managing Partner,





Vivek “Vick” Khera

Vivek “Vick” Khera

B.S. ’88, Computer Science

Chief Technology Officer, Carfeine





Vivek Khuller

Vivek Khuller

M.S. ’93, Electrical Engineering

President and CEO, Clearfly Communications

The Honorable Nancy Kopp

The Honorable Nancy Kopp

Maryland State Treasurer (retired)



Sam Malhotra

Sam Malhotra

B.A. ’81, Economics

Co-Founder, AMPtium





Willie May

Willie May

Ph.D. '77, Chemistry

Vice President, Research and Economic Development, Morgan State University


Jeffrey Mechanick

Jeffrey Mechanick

Chair, CMNS Board of Visitors
B.S. '81, Zoology

Attending Physician, Department of Medicine, Division of Endocrinology, Diabetes and Bone Disease, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai


Zeki Mokhtarzada

Zeki Mokhtarzada

B.S. '01, Computer Science and Mathematics

Founder & CEO,



Rajan Natarajan

Rajan Natarajan

President and CEO, Global Alliant


Elizabeth Read-Connole

Elizabeth Read-Connole

M.S. '92, Microbiology; Ph.D. ’00, Molecular and Cellular Biology

Head, Cancer Etiology Section, National Cancer Institute


Marilyn Ripin

Marilyn Ripin

Vice Chair, CMNS Board of Visitors
B.S. '66, M.S. '69, Ph.D. '71, Microbiology

Benjamin Roca

Benjamin Roca

B.S. ’90, Computer Science

General Counsel, National Electronics Museum

Lawrence Schuette

Lawrence Schuette

Global Research and Innovation Director, Lockheed Martin





Nicholas Simon

Nicholas Simon

B.S. ’76, Microbiology

Managing Director, Clarus Ventures

Bill Smith

Bill Smith

B.S. ’81, Geology

President and Principal Hydrogeologist, Environmental Alliance


Ashok Thareja

Ashok Thareja

Ph.D. ’82, Computer Science

Founder and CEO, A&T Systems


Guy Wassertzug

Guy Wassertzug

B.S. ’88, Computer Science

President and CEO, InfoStructures

Ellen Williams

Ellen Williams

Distinguished University Professor Emerita, Department of Physics and the Institute for Physical Science and Technology, University of Maryland

Research Professor of Physics and Executive Director of ESSIC’s Cooperative Institute for Satellite Earth System Studies (CISESS)



James Yorke

James Yorke

Ph.D. ’66, Mathematics

Distinguished University Professor Emeritus of Mathematics, University of Maryland


Emeriti Members

John F. Alderete
School of Molecular Biosciences, Washington State University

Paul S. Anderson

Janis Antonovics
Department of Biology, University of Virginia

Meredithe L. Applebury
Harvard Medical School, Massachusetts Eye and Ear Institute

Carter M. Armstrong
L-3 Communications, Inc.

James F. Battey
National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders, National Institutes of Health

Gene Block
University of California, Los Angeles

Victor A. Bloomfield
Department of Biochemistry, Molecular, Biology, and Biophysics University of Minnesota

Henry N. Blount III
Directorate for Mathematical and Physical Sciences, National Science Foundation

PV Boccasam
CEO, WealthEngine

Sergey Brin (B.S. ’93)
President of Google's parent company, Alphabet Inc.
Co-Founder, Google Inc.

Michael Cancro (B.S. ’73, Ph.D. ’76)

Constance Cepko (B.S. ’76)
Departments of Genetics, Harvard Medical School

Terry E. Chase Hazell (B.S. ’93)
SD Nanosciences, Inc.

Jeffrey C. Chen & Dr. Lily Ching-Chun Chen

David A. Clayton
Howard Hughes Medical Institute

David P. Corey
Department of Neurobiology, Harvard Medical School

Christopher Darnell
Board of Directors Member
Grantham, Mayo, Van Ottoloo and Co.

Ruth Davis (M.A. '52, Ph.D. '55)

Andrew DePristo

Terry Drabant
President and CEO, JVax Investment Group

Daniel Einhorn, MD
Medical Director, Scripps Whittier Diabetes Institute
Clinical Professor of Medicine, UCSD

David Eisner (B.S. ’90)
President and CEO, Dataprise, Inc.

Albert Epshteyn (B.S. '01, Ph.D. '06)
Research Scientist, Naval Research Laboratory

Robert E. Fischell
Fischell Biomedical, LLC

Gary Flake (Ph.D. ’93)

Jennifer Foley (B.S. ’82)

Paul Fischer

Chris Gaylor (B.S. '72)
Senior Vice President, Shimadzu Scientific Instruments, Inc.

Judith Giordan
Aileron Partners

Sherita Hill Golden (B.S. '90)
Johns Hopkins Hospital

Andrew Griffith
National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders

Alan Harbitter (M.S. ’82)

Wei-Wu He
Emerging Technology Partners, LLC

Wayne T. Hockmeyer
MedImmune, Inc.

Nancy A. Jenkins
National Cancer Institute, Center for Cancer Research

Ray O. Johnson

Evan Jones
jVen Capital

Rick Jordan

John D. Kenyon
Hughes Network Systems, LLC

Elizabeth Kerr (B.S. ’85)

Joel G. Kingsolver
Department of Biology, University of North Carolina

Nicole Kirchoff
Student Representative

Georgette Kiser (B.S. '89, Mathematics)
Operating Executive, The Carlyle Group

Laurie E. Locascio (Ph.D. '99)
National Institute of Standards and Technology

Paul Loftus (B.S. ’86)
Managing Partner, Accenture

James V. Maher
Provost Emeritus and Senior Science Advisor, University of Pittsburgh

Judy Marks
President, Otis

Rene D. Martinez (B.S. '87)
Engineering Fellow, Honeywell International, Inc.

Willie May (Ph.D. ’77)
National Institute of Standards and Technology

Steven L. Meltzer, JD
Pillsbury Winthrop Shaw Pittman, LLP

Anne Hale Miglarese
President and CEO, PLANETiQ LLC.

G. Wade Miller (B.S. ’71)
WateReuse Association

C.D. Mote, Jr.
President, National Academy of Engineering

Joel Muse, Jr. (Ph.D. ’68)
Chairman and CEO, Riba Fairfield, Inc.

Jeanne L. Narum
Independent Colleges Office and Project Kaleidoscope

Cecil B. Pickett
Biogen Idec

Linda F. Powers
Toucan Capital Corporation

Ralph Quatrano
School of Engineering and Applied Science, Washington University in St. Louis

Mary Ann Rankin
Senior Vice President and Provost, University of Maryland, College Park

Miguel Rios, Jr. (Ph.D. ’72)
Founder and CEO, Orion International Technologies Inc.

Robert Rosenthal
Magellan Biosciences, Inc.

Steven M. Rotter, M.D. (B.S. ’82)

Robie I. Samanta Roy
Vice President, Technology and Innovation
Lockheed Martin

Hratch G. Semerjian
National Institute of Standards and Technology

C.P. Shankar
Davidson Capital Group

Jagdeep Singh (B.S. ’86)
Co-founder, QuantumScape

Thomas Snitch
Little Falls Associates

Mark Sobel
B.S. '82, Zoology
Orthopedic Surgeon

Richard Thomas

Thirumalai Venkatesan
Neocera, Inc.

Steve Walker (M.S. ’68)
Steve Walker & Associates

James E Whitman, Jr.
Advanced Biotechnologies, Inc.

Henry Wixon, JD (B.S. ’76, M.S. ’80)
Chief Counsel, National Institute of Standards and Technology

Ann Wylie
Professor, Department of Geology, University of Maryland

Erik B. Young (B.S. ’74)
Medical Center Development Co.

John L. Young (B.S. ’71)
Genetic Consultants of Maryland