Senior Lecturer Fawzi Emad Receives Provost's Excellence Award for Professional-Track Faculty

The award is a recognition of contributions in the areas of teaching, research or service.

Five Computer Science Grads Turned Internships into Full-time Jobs

Students took advantage of on- and off-campus resources to advance their careers.

Three Science Terps Awarded 2021 NOAA Hollings Scholarships

Rising juniors earned prestigious award to explore their interests in oceanic and atmospheric science.

Geology Ph.D. Student Plans to Use Competitive Defense Fellowship to Save Lives from Landmines

Heidi Myers has been awarded a three-year Department of Defense National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate Fellowship.

Daniel Gottesman Joins UMD as the First Brin Family Endowed Professor in Theoretical Computer Science

An expert in quantum information, he joins UMD from the Perimeter Institute in Waterloo, Canada.

Researchers Record Brain Waves to Measure ‘Cybersickness’

Better understanding of virtual reality-induced discomfort could broaden tech’s reach.

Scientists Discover a Surprising New Way that Tuberculosis Suppresses Immunity

Researchers from the University of Maryland found a gene that helps tuberculosis turn off an important immune signaling system in infected human cells.

William Jeffery Named 2021 Distinguished University Professor

The professor of biology received the university's highest academic honor.

Why Does Mercury Have Such a Big Iron Core? Magnetism!

New research from the University of Maryland shows that proximity to the sun’s magnetic field determines a planet’s interior composition.

Steve Rolston Reappointed as Chair of UMD Department of Physics

Rolston began his first term as department chair in 2016.

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