Wide Heads Help Sperm Swim Together

New study from UMD shows that machine learning can help identify cell shapes associated with complex cell behaviors.

Foot in the Door for Sustainability

Kelley Baek (B.S. ’05, biological sciences; MBA ’11) helps make sure Nike’s sneakers are all green.

UMD Scientists Help Put a New Face on National Weather Service Forecast Maps

Data visualization research helped guide a redesign to make long-term forecasts easier to understand.

UMD’s Computer Science Undergraduate Program Ranks No. 9 Among Public Institutions

Program ranks in the Top 10 for the second year in a row.

Undergrads Explore Tech Careers by Building Apps to Solve Transportation Challenges

Break Through Tech DC hosts its first summer Guild at UMD.

Elevating the Humble Neutrino

Rabindra Mohapatra published a book targeted toward non-scientists called “The Neutrino Story: One Tiny Particle’s Grand Role in the Cosmos.”

John Mather Looks to the Past and Keeps Moving Forward

NASA will launch a revolutionary instrument into space—and Mather is the senior project scientist.

Junior Kate Sturge Discovers Love for Research—and Experimental Particle Physics

Through UMD’s FIRE program, the astronomy and physics dual-degree student conducted high-energy physics research.

Taking Satellite Technology--and Physics--to New Heights

James Carr (Ph.D. ’89, physics) has been making his mark on satellite technology for more than three decades.

UMD Leads New $25M NSF Quantum Leap Challenge Institute for Robust Quantum Simulation

New institute will significantly add to the vibrant quantum research ecosystem established in the mid-Atlantic region.

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