Joint Center for Quantum Information and Computer Science Receives Renewed Federal Funding from NIST

The interdisciplinary center focused on quantum computation, communication and cryptography is expected to receive up to $12.2 million over the next five years.

New Discovery Offers a Glimpse of Our Solar System’s Potential Fate when the Sun Dies

A team including UMD astronomers found a Jupiter-like planet orbiting a white dwarf star.

From the Floundry to the Hatchery

The Mokhtarzada brothers’ startup success story comes home with a new student venture incubator at UMD.

UMD Biology’s Scott Juntti Receives $1.9M Maximizing Investigators’ Research Award

The award from the National Institutes of Health will support his pioneering research to understand how biology influences behavior.

UMD Chemistry and Biochemistry’s Pratyush Tiwary Receives $1.9M Maximizing Investigators’ Research Award

The award from the National Institutes of Health will support development of new methods to target precision medications.

Diamonds Are a Quantum Sensing Scientist’s Best Friend

In this episode of Relatively Certain, Ronald Walsworth explains how diamond defects can be used as superb magnetic field sensors and discusses recent strides toward using them to image the insides of individual cells.

Foundational Step Shows Quantum Computers Can Be Better Than the Sum of Their Parts

Researchers have made progress toward ensuring we can trust the results of quantum computers even when they are built from pieces that sometimes fail.

Foundational Step Shows Quantum Computers Can Be Better Than the Sum of Their Parts

Researchers took a step toward a more reliable, practical quantum computer in recent experiment.

Cell “Quakes” May Help Cells Respond to the Outside World

UMD researchers explain how recently discovered earthquake-like disturbances occur in living cells.

Novel Design May Boost Efficiency of On-Chip Frequency Combs

A collaboration of UMD researchers has proposed a way to make chip-sized frequency combs ten times more efficient by harnessing the power of topology—a field of abstract math that underlies some of the most peculiar behaviors of modern materials.

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