The national honor recognizes their distinguished efforts to advance science.
The national honor recognizes their distinguished efforts to advance science.
Shah was also a finalist for the Marshall and Truman Scholarships. He is pursuing dual degrees in biological sciences and individual studies.
Researchers hacked the navigation system on a robotic vacuum cleaner to record speech and music remotely, revealing vulnerability of household devices to privacy breaches.
International collaboration including the University of Maryland uses Arctic-wide data archive of animal movement to ask big-picture questions about effects of a changing world.
His appointment will strengthen collaboration and grow cryo-EM capabilities.
He was the “face of the school” for thousands of students.
New, most complete start-to-finish view of neutron star merger rewrites the way scientists understand these events.
New technique breaks through a technology roadblock that limited RNA imaging for 50 years.
NIH’s High-Risk, High-Reward Research Program will fund a project that could transform efforts to understand how neurons are wired.
Researchers in our college are using machine learning for applications that touch many aspects of our lives—from weather prediction and health care to transportation, finance and wildlife conservation.