UMD Department Chair Fights COVID-19—and Not Just in the Lab

Jonathan Dinman shares his coronavirus story.

Doron Levy Named Chair of UMD Department of Mathematics

Levy served as interim chair for the past year and has been on the faculty at UMD since 2007.

Hummingbirds See Colors Humans Can Only Imagine

New research shows hummingbirds distinguish colors that combine ultraviolet and visible light.

New ‘Sun Clock’ Reveals that Solar Activity Turns Off and On with Surprising Precision

Clock paints picture of a more orderly, predictable sun.

Difficult Decisions: Anna Grafov Navigates Unexpected Challenges Upon Graduation

Grafov received a Fulbright Scholarship and a National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship, but had to turn one down because of the coronavirus pandemic.

UMD Computer Scientist Joins National Effort to Build a Secure Smart Home

Research focuses on strengthening trust around the household ‘Internet of Things.'

USDA Funds UMD Project to Sustain Agricultural Production in the Corn Belt with $10 Million

Researchers will develop an easy-to-use dashboard that identifies ways to increase land- and water-use efficiency in the face of environmental and biological stresses.

Teaming Up to Fight COVID-19

UMD cell biology and molecular genetics researchers join forces to develop new drugs for treating coronavirus.

Fulbright Scholar Edwin Zhang Will Take His Love of Sharing Knowledge International

Zhang will travel to Taiwan to teach English thanks to the prestigious scholarship program.

Scientists Detect Unexpected Widespread Structures Near Earth’s Core

University of Maryland researchers conduct first simultaneous analysis of hundreds of earthquakes to identify echoes from features deep inside Earth.

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