Chabria was recognized for her work in the Terrapin Teachers program and her commitment to mathematics education.
Chabria was recognized for her work in the Terrapin Teachers program and her commitment to mathematics education.
In the quest for truth and meaning, mathematics Ph.D. student Luis Suarez found an unexpected path at UMD.
Statistics graduate program director Lizhen Lin works to understand the math behind artificial intelligence and machine learning while guiding the next generation of data scientists at UMD.
The award is the highest honor the U.S. government bestows on early-career scientists and engineers.
Physicist Douglas Currie, who helped send mirrors on Apollo 11, launches an improved model.
The strategic partnership aims to cement state and D.C. region as a world-leading quantum science and innovation hub.
The prestigious award is the highest honor bestowed by the U.S. government on outstanding scientists and engineers who are early in their careers.
Matthew Becker (M.S. ’17, Ph.D. ’18, applied mathematics & statistics, and scientific computation) published a math-infused thriller novel.
With NASA’s selection of a partner to deliver the Lunar VISE mission payload to the moon’s Gruithuisen Domes, scientists take another step toward understanding lunar formation and evolution.
With her generous gift, Susan Murphy (B.S. ’75, mathematics) funded a Maryland Promise Program scholarship to provide students with financial, mentoring and networking opportunities.