Physics Professor Howard Milchberg created “air waveguides” to enhance light signals collected from distant sources.
Physics Professor Howard Milchberg created “air waveguides” to enhance light signals collected from distant sources.
Computer science professor David Jacobs develops app for identifying birds.
Entomology’s Dennis vanEngelsdorp interviewed about pesticides possibly connected to struggling bee colonies.
Process discovered by Jonathan Dinman may help rein in disease-fighting side effects.
Kan Cao, Jonathan Simon, Kevin McIver and Yoann LeBreton receive awards.
Mihai Pop identifies microorganisms that may trigger or protect against diarrheal disease.
UMD astronomers study “fresh” comet’s first approach to the sun.
Alumni Ruchi and Amit Mehta create an award to support international graduate students.
UMD study of premature aging may help explain effects of normal aging.
Beekeepers can help by treating all hives for a common pest, UMD survey leader Dennis vanEngelsdorp says