Timber rattlesnakes indirectly benefit human health

Not-so-horrid native snake keeps Lyme disease in check, a UMD team finds. Photo: Ed Kabay

Re-learning how to see: researchers find crucial on-off switch in visual development

A discovery by a University of Maryland-led research team offers hope for treating serious visual problems that are permanent unless corrected in early childhood. Illustration: Loretta Kuo

Starburst "superwinds" keep galaxies thin

A new UMD-led study suggests large galaxies keep their mass down through a "feast and fast" sequence. Cover image courtesy of Nature.

On-farm study: common chemicals harm honey bees’ health

Honey bees pollinating crops encounter many pesticides, including fungicides that hurt their ability to fight a lethal parasite. Photo: Michael Andree

Aging weather satellites imperil hurricane forecasts

A critical satellite failure could set back forecasting 10 years, says UMD expert Antonio Busalacchi. Photo: NOAA

Star-shredding black holes

When black holes devour a star, they become beacons of light, writes UMD astronomer Suvi Gezari in Sky & Telescope. Photo: NASA

Composite images show storms' true intensity

Animation from satellite and ground data shows the June 13, 2013 near-derecho as it grew and spawned tornadoes. Photo: NOAA

Terrapin One gives African rhino poachers reason to Fear the Turtle

Guided by UMD computing, the first unmanned aerial vehicle flight of its kind successfully protects an adult rhino and calf in one of South Africa's poaching hot spots.

Nearly 1 in 3 U.S. Honeybees Lost in Winter 2012-13

Drought, malnourishment, mites among causes for high losses.

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