Customized Soap Bubbles Set to Transform Drug and Vaccine Delivery

UMD start-up SD Nanosciences has developed technology for creating targeted drug and vaccine delivery vehicles.

College Welcomes Five New Faculty Members this Spring

The College of Computer, Mathematical, and Natural Sciences welcomes five new tenure/tenure-track faculty members to the University of Maryland this spring.

Dennis vanEngelsdorp's Passion for Honey Bees Captured in New Short Film

Entomology's vanEngelsdorp and his dedication to saving the honey bees are the subjects of a film premiering at the Sundance Film Festival.

Rosetta Data Give Closest-ever Look at a Comet

Special issue of Science reveals details about shape, evolution and lifespan of comet 67P-Churyumov/Gerasimenko.

Rice-sized Laser, Powered One Electron at a Time, Bodes Well for Quantum Computing

Jacob Taylor co-authored the paper published in Science about the device.

College Board of Visitors Member Sam Malhotra Named Secretary of Maryland Department of Human Resources

Malhotra, founder and CEO of Subsystem Technologies, will lead the state's primary social service provider.

Charge Instability Detected Across All Types of Copper-based Superconductors

Findings may help researchers synthesize materials that can superconduct at room temperature.

Robots Learn to Use Kitchen Tools by Watching YouTube Videos

Autonomous robots can learn and perform complex actions via observation.

Algae Use Same Molecular Machinery as Land Plants to Respond to a Plant Hormone

Common genes remain intact after 450 million years of evolution.

College Researcher, Three Alumnae Named Fellows of the American Physical Society

Karen Byrum, Elizabeth Hays, Ana Maria Rey and Peter Yoon were elected APS fellows for their exceptional contributions to the physics enterprise.

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