Dinko Ferencek (Ph.D. '11, Physics) Talks Particle Physics and #RestartLHC

"This is one of the most exciting times in the history of particle physics."

UMD Senior Chemistry Major Brandon Ng Awarded Fulbright Scholarship

Ng will research the use of nanotechnology to treat multiple myeloma (cancer) at Tel Aviv University in Israel.

Supermassive Black Hole Clears Star-making Gas From Galaxy’s Core

A new study shows that a supermassive black hole removes massive quantities of star-making gas from its host galaxy, thus influencing the galaxy’s size, shape and overall fate.

HAWC Observatory to Study Universe’s Most Energetic Phenomena

Inaugural ceremony March 19-20 marks completion of powerful system to detect gamma rays and cosmic rays.

Pesticides Not the Sole Culprit in Honey Bee Colony Declines

A new study shows that the world’s most common insecticide does not significantly harm honey bee colonies at real-world dosage levels.

Help Send UMD Students to the American Chemical Society National Meeting in August

Crowdfunding campaign aims to send 10 Terp undergraduates to the ACS conference in Boston this summer.

Heads Up! You Can Help Build the Maryland All-Sky Camera Network

Crowdfunding campaign aims to bring all-sky cameras to the University of Maryland Observatory and Montgomery College Observatory.

Biology’s David Inouye Discusses the Value of Wildflowers to Climate Scientists – Smithsonian

Inouye explains that spring has been coming earlier each year, triggering an earlier growing season of sunflowers.

Eitan Tadmor Receives 2015 Peter Henrici Prize

Peter Henrici Prize is awarded by the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics and ETH Zürich.

UMD Patents Compounds that Inhibit Biofilm Formation and Persistence

Patent awarded for compounds capable of fighting antibiotic-resistant bacteria.

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