Investigating Heredity Beyond DNA

Antony Jose looks for answers about heritability, including how traits change without changes in DNA.

Adam Porter Tapped to Co-Lead the University of Maryland Institute for Health Computing

He brings 35-plus years of experience in computer science and software engineering to the role.

Evan Economo Joins UMD to Chair the Department of Entomology

He is currently dean of faculty affairs and professor at the Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Graduate University in Japan.

Astronomy Associate Research Scientist Patrick Whelley Answers Questions About the Moon

The College of Computer, Mathematical, and Natural Sciences hosted a Reddit Ask-Me-Anything spotlighting research on the moon's composition.

Four Science Terps Attend 73rd Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting

Physics alums and graduate students were selected to join the prestigious Lindau Meeting and interact with prominent scientists.

Biological Sciences Major
SIlver Spring, MD
UMD Repertoire Orchestra Violist
A Nearby Exoplanet Reeks of Rotten Eggs—And That’s a Good Thing

Using the James Webb Space Telescope, UMD astronomers helped sniff out a stinky atmosphere that may offer clues about ‘gas giant’ planets.

Adam Kanigowski Awarded European Mathematical Society Prize

He is the first member of UMD’s Department of Mathematics to receive this prestigious award for young mathematicians.

Dean's List: Spring 2024

Congratulations to the over 3,700 Spring 2024 semester Dean's List awardees from the University of Maryland's College of Computer, Mathematical, and Natural Sciences.

Researchers Uncover Brain Region’s Role in Hearing and Learning

UMD study reveals how the brain adapts hearing in different listening situations, potentially offering insights into human sensory impairment disorders.

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