Biological Science (Physiology & Neurobiology track)
Minor: Humanities, Health & Medicine
Computer Science (General track)
Double Major: Mathematics
CMNS Peer Mentor Coordinator
Biological Sciences (Cell Biology & Genetics track)
Double Degree: Criminal Justice
Biological Sciences (Physiology & Neurobiology track)
Double Degree: Public Health Sciences
Computer Science (General track)
Minor: Data Science
Computer Science (Data Science track)
Minor: Actuarial Mathematics
Computer Science (General track)
Minor: Advanced Cybersecurity Experience for Students (ACES)
Student Research Shines at UMD’s Bioscience Day

28 undergraduate and graduate students win poster session awards.

Rance Cleaveland Returns to UMD After Serving as NSF Division Director

UMD Computer Science's Rance Cleaveland spent the last four years as director of the National Science Foundation’s Division of Computing and Communications Foundations (CCF). 

Urban Trees Rooted in Redlining and Environmental Injustice

Neighborhood street trees in Baltimore tell a tale of both historical racial discrimination and modern reparation, according to new UMD-led study.

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