International Competition Benchmarks Metagenomics Software

University of Maryland professor helped evaluate the ability of software to assemble, classify and analyze complex pools of bacterial DNA.

College Welcomes 15 New Faculty Members this Fall

Faculty joined six departments and three research institutes in the college.

Black Holes with Ravenous Appetites Define Type I Active Galaxies

New research suggests that the central black holes in Type I and Type II active galaxies consume matter at different rates, upending popular theory.

Gravitational Waves Detected a Fourth Time

University of Maryland physicists contribute to identification of fourth gravitational wave event using data from Advanced LIGO and Virgo detectors.

UMD Hosted Neuroscience Workshop for Local High School Teachers

Workshop taught basic neuroscience concepts and demonstrated hands-on experiments for local high school teachers.

University of Maryland Researchers Identify Genes Linked to “Flesh-eating” Bacterial Infections

Collaboration between the University of Maryland, College Park, and the University of Maryland, Baltimore, finds two genes involved in invasive, spreading infection underneath skin.

Meghan Murphy (B.S. ’15, Biological Sciences) Awarded Fulbright Fellowship to Botswana

Murphy will study the impact of drug and alcohol use on HIV treatment.

14 Tenured/Tenure-Track Faculty Promotions Announced by UMD College of Computer, Mathematical, and Natural Sciences

Eight were promoted to the rank of professor and six to associate professor with tenure.

66 Professional-Track Faculty Members Promoted in UMD College of Computer, Mathematical, and Natural Sciences

Promotions included 12 instructional faculty members and 54 research faculty members.

New UMD Hyperloop Pod Races Against Rivals this Weekend

Students compete in second SpaceX competition in Hawthorne, California.

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