North American Waterways are Becoming Saltier and More Alkaline

New UMD-led research highlights the need for better regulation of road salt, fertilizers and other salty compounds.

Worm Species Lost 7,000 Genes After Evolving to Fertilize Itself

UMD-led study finds that worms that fertilize themselves lost one-fourth of their genome, including genes that make sperm competitive.

Georgette Kiser and Priyanka Anisetti to Speak at College’s December Commencement Ceremony

Kiser (B.S. ’89, mathematics) is a managing director and chief information officer at The Carlyle Group. Anisetti is graduating with a bachelor’s degree in biological sciences.

Ming Lin Named Chair of UMD Department of Computer Science

An expert in virtual reality, computer graphics and robotics, Lin joins UMD from the University of Carolina at Chapel Hill.

Three Seniors Honored as 2017 Merrill Presidential Scholars

Christopher Bambic, William O’Connor and Tiffany Wang honored as three of the university’s most successful seniors.

College Sets New Record for UMD Crowdfunding Campaigns

$33,355 was raised for the Mark Sobel Jr. Scholarship Fund through Launch UMD.

Six College Faculty Members Elected American Physical Society Fellows

The new fellows come from the physics and astronomy departments.

New Algorithm Repairs Corrupted Digital Images in One Step

Technique uses the power of artificial neural networks to address several types of flaws and degradations in a single image at once.

Quantum Simulators Wield Control Over More Than 50 Qubits, Setting New Record

Atoms provide a robust platform for observing quantum magnets in action.

France Recognizes Contributions of UMIACS' Rita Colwell with Appointment to the Legion of Honor

Colwell was awarded the rank of Chevalier (Knight) in the Legion of Honor by decree of the President of the French Republic.

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