Satellite Study Finds Unreported Sources of Toxic Air Pollution

Analysis of satellite data suggests up to 12 percent of global sulfur dioxide emissions have gone unreported.

Senior Mathematics Major Elliot Frank to Participate in Fulbright Summer Institute

Frank to participate in the University of Bristol's "Slavery and the Atlantic Heritage” program.

University of Maryland Announces New Scholarship for Pre-med Students

Mark Sobel Jr. Endowed Scholarship honors memory of alumnus’ son who passed away at the age of 17.

Conference to Honor Mathematics Professor William “Bill” Goldman

A 30-year teaching veteran, Goldman continues to innovate in the classroom. He is revamping MATH/AMSC 431 to develop a “symbiotic relationship” between the course and UMD's Experimental Geometry Lab.

UMD Rising Juniors Awarded U.S. Department of State Critical Language Scholarships

The competitive program provides fully funded, group-based intensive language instruction and structured cultural enrichment experiences over a period of seven to 10 weeks.

Finding Her Perfect Fit: Senior Grace Duke Traded Journalism for Science

A geology and atmospheric and oceanic science double major, Duke traveled to New Zealand to conduct research on coral skeletons.

Ali Hirsa and Anthony Trinh to Speak at College’s Spring Commencement Ceremony

Alumnus Ali Hirsa (M.A. ’97, Ph.D. ’98, Applied Mathematics) and Biological Sciences Senior Anthony Trinh selected as keynote and student speakers.

Space Mission First to Observe Key Interaction Between Magnetic Fields of Earth and Sun

NASA mission, with help from UMD physicists, is the first ever to observe how magnetic reconnection takes place, a critical step in understanding space weather.

College Announces 2016 Employee Award Recipients

The College hosted its annual academic festival May 11 to honor its 2016 employee award recipients.

Nation’s Beekeepers Lost 44 Percent of Bees in 2015-16

Summer losses rival winter losses for the second year running.

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