Shreya Katuri
Contact Info
Shreya Katuri
Biological Sciences Major
General Business Minor
Clarksville, MD
Integrated Life Sciences Honors Program

Year: Junior

Hometown: Clarksville, Maryland

Major(s)/Minor(s): Biological Sciences: Physiology & Neurobiology Major, General Business Minor

Living & Learning & Other Special Programs: Integrated Life Sciences Honors Program

Research: Working with Dr. Pingbo Yin at the Neural Systems Lab researching the functionality of the mammalian auditory system

Activities: Maryland Mentor Corps, Volunteer with University of Maryland Medical Center, Member of Student Health Advisory Committee

Favorite Class(es): BSCI207: Principles of Biology III - Organismal Biology

Favorite Spot on Campus: ESJ

 In my free time, I enjoy: Hanging out with my friends and watching my favorite tv shows/movies.