Profile photo of Melissa Casillas
Contact Info
Melissa Casillas
Neuroscience Major
Gaithersburg, MD
Latinx Pre-Health Society

Year: Senior

Hometown: Gaithersburg, Maryland

Major(s)/Minor(s): Neuroscience Major: Molecular, Cellular, and Physiological Track

Activities: AMSA (American Medical Student Association), LPHS (Latinx Pre-Health Society), Nu Rho Psi (Neuroscience Honor Society)

Favorite Class(es): BSCI452-Diseases of the Nervous System

Favorite spot on campus: Edward St. John (ESJ)

Coolest thing I have been part of as a UMD student: Ophthalmology wet lab with University of Maryland School of Medicine

In my free time, I enjoy: raving, playing video games, or reading :)