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Shashank Singh
Computer Science Major
Technology Entrepreneurship and Corporate Innovation minor
Rockville, MD
Computer Science Departmental Honors

Year: Senior

Hometown: Rockville, MD

Major(s)/Minor(s): Computer Science with minor in Technology Entrepreneurship and Corporate Innovation

Living & Learning & Other Special Programs: Computer Science Departmental Honors

Activities: Teaching Assistant at Department of Computer Science, Community Assistant at Department of ResLife, Volunteer for International Students and Scholar Services (ISSS) as their International Orientation Leader, Undergraduate Student Representative in the Education Committee of the Department of Computer Science, Board-Member, CMNS Inclusive Excellence Advisory Board

Leadership: President of International Student Advisory Board (ISAB)

Favorite Class(es): CMSC433-Programming Language Technologies and Paradigms, MATH 141-Calculus II, and AMST310-Comparative Ethnic and Racial Studies

Favorite spots on campus: Mckeldin Mall and La Plata Beach

Coolest thing I have been part of as a UMD student: Volunteering for ISSS as I got in touch with many international students sharing similar backgrounds and experiences.

In my free time, I enjoy: walking around the campus in the breeze or sitting in the sunlight during the daytime; it helps me re-energize myself and keep my mind calm.