Contact Info
Annie Liu
Chemistry & Biological Sciences: Cell Biology & Genetics major
Statistics minor
FIRE Research Stream: CELLEX
Year: Junior
Major(s)/Minor(s): Chemistry & Biological Sciences (Cell Biology & Genetics specialization) major; Statistics minor
FIRE Research Stream: CELLEX
Activities: watching Netflix, playing Genshin Impact, Tianyi Dance Team, listening to lofi, reading about interesting plants, PCA plot visualization
Favorite Spot(s) on Campus: STEM Library, Chemistry Building basement
Favorite Class(es): I really enjoyed BSCI410 and BCHM461. Both covered many techniques used in lab and in industry for practical application in researching post-translational modifications.
In my free time, I enjoy: oil painting
My favorite thing about being a BioFIRE tutor: Being able to successfully explain a concept and having students retain and apply that concept in class