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Bhargav Srinivasan
Computer Science and Biological Sciences double major
Timonium, MD
Gemstone Honors Program
Creates biological models using Python

Year: Sophomore

Hometown: Timonium, MD

Major(s)/Minor(s): Computer Science and Biological Sciences double major

Living & Learning & Other Special Programs: Gemstone honors program

Research: Create biological models of population dynamics using Python in the Bruns Lab, create computer vision models for automated data collection in the Borgia Lab, and Biological Research Assistant at the USDA

Activities: Gemstone Leadership Council, Bug Club

Favorite Class(es): CMSC250 (Discrete Structures)

Favorite spots on campus: Clarice Library + Sweet Spot at 251

In my free time, I enjoy: Playing racquetball, biking, or exploring D.C.
Coolest thing I have been part of as a UMD student: Undergraduate research and research seminars!